
Although humans and animals are different in many ways, some advances in human medicine are also very useful in veterinary patients. One of these advances, endoscopy, has proven to be a powerful diagnostic and therapeutic tool for treating dogs and cats. As a practice, we consider it a goal to offer state-of-the-art medicine and diagnostic testing; so we are proud to offer endoscopy as a means of providing a higher level of quality medical care to our patients.

What is an endoscope? A fiberoptic endoscope is a long, narrow tube with a tiny camera at the tip, which is sterilized so that it can safely be inserted into your pet’s body. An endoscope can be rigid or very flexible, depending on what procedure it is used for. Endoscopic equipment has many uses such as removing small objects that have been swallowed by your dog or cat. For a patient under anesthesia, an endoscope can be inserted into the mouth (to examine the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine), nose (to examine the trachea [windpipe] and main airways), or anus (to examine the colon and lower intestine).

Using a laparoscope, high-tech fiber optics allow us to visually examine your pet’s abdominal cavity without the need for a large surgical incision. This means less post-operative discomfort and quicker recovery time while providing an accurate diagnosis and the ability to treat various abdominal diseases and disorders. Learn more about laparoscopy.